
This Wood Is What Royal Families Used for Dining Tables!

This Wood Is What Royal Families Used for Dining Tables!

In our last few articles, we looked at many types of wood slabs and their unique characteristics. This included the immensely sturdy Leadwood and the historically famous Olive wood. Today we will be looking at another interesting timber - African Padauk.

This timber has one the most striking appearances among wood slabs due to its stark red heartwood. However this slab is not just popular because of its appearance, but its overall quality as well. Let’s find out why!


African Padauk Logs

As the name suggests, African Padauk trees originate from central Africa. These trees are one of the larger species in Africa, growing up to heights of 34 metres tall and 1 metre wide. Apart from its large stature, African Padauk has a noble backstory too. Centuries ago, African Padauk wood slabs were exclusively reserved for furniture making for the African royal families. This was mainly due to its exquisite look as well as its much-vaunted durability. In the present day, this timber is still sought after by many woodworkers who are looking to make high-end furniture such as tables and even African drums!

As such, African Padauk wood slabs would be great for homeowners looking for a large table for their growing families as well as for those who want a dining table with an interesting backstory!


African Padauk is sought after by many furniture makers for a very good reason. It is extremely resistant to insect infestations as well as to fungal rots. This makes African Padauk wood slabs ideal for any home, be it apartments or ground floor bungalows. With this timber, homeowners will have a once in a generation dining table that will last a lifetime if taken proper care of.

African Padauk wood’s hardness is a key factor in its durability as a dining table. According to the Janka scale that measures wood hardness, this timber scores a scale rating of 1,725 which is deemed impressive by industry benchmarks for solid wood dining tables. This moderately dense wood slab also has good shock resistance making it ideal for the daily use of a dining table.

As such, homeowners can expect their African Padauk table to age gracefully without much wear and tear due to its excellent durability.


African Padauk Dining Table

African Padauk wood slabs have a striking red heartwood that often contrasts with its clearly demarcated sapwood that is pale yellow. This red tone of the wood is one of nature’s unique mysteries! However, over time, UV rays from the sun and oxidisation will alter this tone to a darker red or brownish hue.

African Padauk would definitely be a statement piece in any home with its eye-catching colour tone. This is suitable for homeowners who want a centrepiece that stands out from the otherwise muted colour palette of their homes. For homeowners who are big enthusiasts of symbolism, the redness of this wood signifies prosperity and royalty in many Asian and African cultures too!

In terms of wood grains, African Padauk wood slabs tend to have straight consistent grains as they do not have many young twisted branches. Thus, what you get is a very neat wood slab that has relatively simple-looking grains as compared to its other wood counterparts such as American Walnut or Oak.


Rubio Maintenance Kit

Our African Padauk wood slabs are coated with a Rubio Monocoat finish. The Rubio Monocoat oil is engineered in such a way that it protects both the surface and core of the wood, giving it good protection against water and making it highly scratch-resistant.  Combine that with the highly durable properties of the African Padauk itself, and you get an easy to maintain dining table.

Simply clean the surface with a slightly damp lint-free cloth regularly and you’re good to go! As wood is a natural material, it can be sensitive to temperature. As such, it is strongly encouraged that coasters and placemats are used when serving food or drinks. For detailed care instructions with the Rubio Monocoat, click here to read more.

In Conclusion…

African Padauk Table Close Up

With the African Padauk, you do not get just a dining table, you get a statement piece. With its eye-catching appearance, an African Padauk dining table is sure to be the conversation topic during dinner parties. Furthermore, its excellent resistance to rot and shock ensures that you have a royal piece of furniture that will last for ages to come.

If you’re convinced that the African Padauk is the right wood slab for you, we have some good news for you! We have several of these slabs available for purchase right now. Do drop by our showroom and have a chat with us. We’d love to share our knowledge on wood slabs with you.